How Often Should I do Barre?

How Often Should I do Barre?


Welcome to 2020!! With a New Year brings New Resolutions, probably none more true than new health and wellness resolutions! Maybe your New Year Resolution is to start a new fitness routine (like barre!) or perhaps to take your current fitness routine to the next level! I get asked quite often from clients, both new and existing, how often they should implement barre into their weekly schedule. A recent study came out that showed if you increase the number of barre classes you take in a week from 3 to 4, you can increase your results by 50%I But this might not be a reality for every single client, especially if they are just starting out. To better direct you, I have compiled three things you can take into consideration when deciding how often you should be heading to the barre!

1.) Start With What’s Doable. Setting goals are super important and vital to any type of success. And having a goal of taking 4-5 barre classes a week is great and all, but what is more important is setting a goal that is obtainable. You don’t want to set an unrealistic expectation of yourself and then let yourself down. Remember, you are in this for the long run! Something is better than nothing. I always suggest to my Barre Babe Newbies to start with twice a week. That is enough barre classes to start feeling what it can do for you not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally, and will motivate you to set a routine and form a new habit.

2.) Up The Ante. So now you have had a few months of taking a couple barre classes a week. You can start to feel and see results, but want more. Remember that study I mentioned? Take a look at your schedule and figure out what it would look like if you went from two classes a week to three classes a week? Start there, and then progress from three classes a week to four classes a week. The way I structure my classes is that I teach the same workout to all my classes, all week long. This helps my clients become more familiar with the movement, exercises and intention, helps shorten the amount of time of muscle soreness and helps prevent injuries. So therefore, I tell my class that the more they can come a week, the more results they will get!

3.) Don’t Burn Out. Don’t get me wrong, too much of a good thing can not be a good thing. I want you to be able to take barre as much as you can fit it in, but I will always tell you to max out at 5 tops. The study I keep mentioning doesn’t say anything about the increase in results you could get if you go from 4 classes to 6 or 7. On your “recover” days, you can still keep moving by going on a walk with your dog, taking a yoga class, or playing outside with your kids. Make sure you are allowing your muscles to not only relax and restore, but to also move and train in different ways.

As I mentioned before, there is not one perfect answer, the “right” answer is what is right for you! Be sure to listen to your body and what it needs. As a good rule of thumb, you should aim to workout more days than you don’t. If you are just starting out or getting back into it, set a goal of taking two barre classes a week. You can then ease your way to 3-4 and really start seeing and feeling those results! If finding the time to get to class at your local gym or studio is difficult, catching a class online whenever and wherever you are is a great option! You can check out my on-demand classes and get a free 7 day trial here.

Hope to see you at the barre soon!


Heather McCreight

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