How to Teach Your Fitness Classes Online

How to Teach Your Fitness Classes Online

Whether you wish to teach virtually for scheduling reasons, want to reach a broader global audience or are forced to close your physical studio doors due to a global pandemic, the world of fitness is going online! Even if you are a veteran instructor or someone just starting out, being able and ready to teach online is a valuable tool you will definitely want in your toolkit. Prior to the pandemic I already had an online presence with my on-demand virtual library, so switching to teaching 100% of my classes virtually was fortunately not a huge ordeal. But that is not the case for many so I am here to help your transition to teaching your classes online as seamless and smoothly as possible!

1.) The Tech Stuff. Let’s start off with the not-so-fun part, the tech side of things! This is probably the most daunting aspect for many (as it was for me too!) and I am grateful I had my computer engineer husband who was able to figure all of it out for me! And now I can pass my (his!) wisdom on to you! There are a couple of different options for you, depending on how much money you are wanting to invest and the quality of your virtual classes you are looking for. First though, no matter which direction you go, you need to create a ZOOM account. So if you don’t have one already, stop reading and go create that account and then come back to me…Ok, so now that we have a ZOOM account, let’s proceed! It’s safe to say that the majority of fitness instructors use music in their classes while they are teaching. The way my tech setup is currently, I use a mixer that I plug in to my laptop, speaker and phone. The music is then mixed seamlessly and I don’t have any delay or “robot-like” music. I also use a wireless microphone that goes through the mixer for better sound quality. If you are looking for less of a financial equipment and setup, you can use wireless headphones and the “share my music” tool in ZOOM. I will say that this can sometimes cause your voice or music to come in and out and have more of a chance of the “robot-like” music, but it’s still a great option for those starting out!

2.) Build Your Online Community. Let’s be honest, there’s nothing liking the feel and vibe of in-person classes, but if you create an amazing online community, it can definitely be the next best thing! While teaching through a screen, it’s more important than ever to call out your clients by their names and make them feel seen. I also make it a habit of logging on a few minutes before or after class to chat with everyone and allow them to be off mute so they can chat with each other. I am intentional about asking about different aspects of each client’s life and find ways to connect newcomers to our veteran Barre Babes. While teaching, I still do my regular small talk just like I would teaching IRL. You can also hold virtual giveaways and challenges that will make them feel apart of something much bigger!

3.) Change Your Mindset. Depending on your reasons for teaching online, changing your mindset and way of thinking can help make it a much more enjoyable and less daunting experience. Different doesn’t mean bad! Think of teaching virtually as an opportunity to meet people outside of your hometown or gym and grow your following and reach. Over the past two years, I have actually taught more International clients than I have from here in the States! How wild is that?! And just because you are behind a screen now, you can still be you and let your personality shine through! At the end of the day, that is who they are coming to see!

The world of everything is going virtual and I don’t want you to get left behind! I know it can seem a bit overwhelming to start teaching your fitness classes online, but if you take it one step at a time it really can open so many doors! Figure out your setup, love on your community and change your mindset and you are on the way to the best virtual class ever!

Have more questions about how to teach online? I would love to connect with you and help in any way I can! Send me an email and let’s chat!


Heather McCreight

Heather McCreight