My Morning Routine

My Morning Routine

If you don’t know already, I thrive off of order. I also find that my anxiety and need to control everything is much lower if I am able to start my day with one constant thing, something that I can actually control before the rest of the world and day gets in the way. Which is why about a year ago I started my morning routine. Especially as a business owner, my morning routine has become clutch to starting my day. It’s a way for me to have it all - have a slow start (instead of as soon as my feet hits in the floor it’s go, go, go) and put myself first so that I can then focus on everything else. I’ve created a “process” so to speak that allows me to actually look forward to getting up and I am excited to share my blueprint with you!

1.) Plan Ahead. The first step of my morning routine is actually something that I do the night before. Before going to bed, I look at my to-do list and my calendar and map out what tasks and appointments need to go in what order. I find that it helps relieve some stress and anxiety about the day ahead, thus allowing me a better night sleep. It also saves time the next day and makes me much more productive. Something else that I do the night before that helps makes mornings that much smoother is I pick out my clothes before going to bed. Not sure if you are like me, but sometimes just the thought of trying to figure out what I am going to wear already makes me not want to get out of bed, so if that step is already taken care of I am already off to a better start!

2.) Spiritual Time. I have pretty set and strict boundaries around my “office hours,” so before checking my phone and email, I make sure to get in my “me time.” First thing I do every morning is pray and then I journal. I first write any prayers that are on my heart and then I always write three things that I am grateful for from the day before. I love starting my day talking to God and thanking him for all my blessings. It starts the day off on such a positive note and helps shift my perspective and outlook for the day. I then will read my Bible and listen to worship music. This is probably my favorite and most sacred part of my morning.

3.) GSD. Then comes the GSD, or Get Stuff Done, part of my morning. My office hours have still not yet started, so this is any household chores I need to do (empty dishwasher, straighten up the house, put away laundry) or any other tasks that I need done so that I can fully focus on work instead of the mess around me. This is especially helpful when working from home. I will eat my breakfast mindfully and without any distractions. I also love to workout in the morning, so if it’s a weekend and I am not teaching class, I will get a workout in as well.

I know morning routines will look different for everyone, but I hope the same theme is constant for all - a moment to create space and time to put you first and have an intentional start to your day. I find it really does help with anxiety and feeling of being overwhelmed and sets the day up for success. I hope you find peace and presence in yours as well!

Have a morning routine? Leave a comment below with yours and help inspire others!


Heather McCreight

Heather McCreight