My 3 Favorite Ways to Use the Resistance Band

My 3 Favorite Ways to Use the Resistance Band

Resistance bands are a great way to add resistance to numerous upper and lower body exercises and help make the “ordinary,” extraordinary. I believe a light resistance band gives just the right amount of resistance without overdoing it and causing injury. They are one of my favorite props to use in a barre class because it gives a little extra burn and quicker muscle fatigue. And because they are “small but mighty,” resistance bands are my go-to to pack when traveling! If you are looking to spice things up, here are my three favorite ways to use the resistance band.

1.) Squats. Who doesn’t love a good booty burn? I like to use the resistance band for squats because I can reach muscle fatigue much quicker and utilize even more stabilizing muscles than if I was doing just a regular bodyweight squat. Throw a light resistance band around your legs and drop it like it’s hot! And by just changing the placement of the band, ie around the ankles, versus around the shins or around the quads, it will change the focus of the exercise and where you will feel the greatest burn!

2.) Planks. Ok, so I am not counting on quite as many of you to raise your hands for the love of planks as you did for a good booty burn, but me hear me out on this one! If we are going to do a plank, let’s really do a plank! Ya know what I mean? By using a resistance band during a plank series, not only will we fire up the core nice and quick, but we get the entire body involved and get a much bigger bang for your buck! And just like with the squats, changing the placement of the band changes the focus and intensity. My personal favorite is a side plank with leg lift.

3.) Upper Body. Traveling and don’t have hand weights? Or maybe you want to change things up from the regularly scheduled program? Grab a band and let’s get those arms pumpin’! I love working biceps, triceps and shoulders using the band. A little goes a long way with these, so I would definitely recommend a light resistance band. Play around with your grip and try bicep curls, lat pulls, or my personal favorite, tricep dips! You will be surprised how quickly your arms fatigue with resistance rather than extra weight.

Ready to grab a band and hit the mat? No need to reinvent the wheel, just by adding a little resistance to an exercise can totally change the feel of it and make life a little more exciting (and sweaty!). Whether you are looking for ways to work the lower body, core or upper body, the resistance band can do it all! Comment below what your favorite way to use the band is!

Ready to take your classes to the next level with fun and creative ways to use not only the resistance band, but gliding discs, Pilates ball, weights and more?! Join me for our next Raising the Barre Workshop! Find out more here!


Heather McCreight