My 3 Favorite Ways to Use Weights in My Barre Classes

My 3 Favorite Ways to Use Weights in My Barre Classes

If you are looking for ways to make your barre classes or workouts a little more spicy, than I highly recommend adding weights. I am not talking about turning it into a weight-lifting class, so no need to be scared! 2-3 lbs is what I like to max out at and those small weights can definitely bring the heat! No matter what levels you have in your class, weights can be easily added or taken away with no disruption, allowing for seamless transitions and modifications. And my favorite part is that you can use this prop in every aspect of your class! From the warm-up to the barre, weights can do it all!

1.) Warm-Up. A great way to raise the heart rate and get the blood pumping during your warm-up is by adding weights. To make sure we have proper form, I recommend grabbing the weights on the lighter side. Adding them to marches, jumping jacks, pliés, lunges and more gets you a little breathy and helps strengthen the cardiovascular system. I also like to add weights to make a warm-up that can sometimes be ordinary, extraordinary!

2.) Mat Work. This is a great place to get creative with the weights and the options are endless! For advanced core work, grab two light weights or one heavy and really challenge the abdominals in teasers, Russian twists or seated ab work. If the focus is on the glutes, a light dumbbell behind the knee in All 4’s or a heavier weight placed on the hips during hip lifts adds extra work load and creates an ever deeper activation of the muscles. One of my sneaky favorites is in a side-lying position and holding a weight on the inside of the bottom leg for an inner thigh burn like no other!

3.) Barre Work. Probably one of my favorite ways to use weights in my barre class or workout is at the barre! You can tone from head to toe by holding a dumbbell in the outside hand during a plié or lunge series. Or just like on the mat, trying placing a light weight behind one knee in a forward fold position for a booty burn or add a weight to cardio series to finish with a heart pumper!

Using weights in my barre classes helps me make sure that I am getting a total-body workout each and every time! Just by adding a weight can completely change the feel of the exercise and because there is a wide range of weights, it is easy for me to accommodate for all levels. If you are looking for ways to change things up or just take your workout up a notch or two, trying adding some dumbbells and let me know what you think!

Ready to take your classes to the next level with fun and creative ways to use not only the resistance band, but gliding discs, Pilates ball, weights and more?! Join me for our next Raising the Barre Workshop! Find out more here!


Heather McCreight