What I Think About Working Out on Vacation

What I Think About Working Out on Vacaton

As summer quickly approaches and you can start to smell your vacation in the air and you begin that packing list in anticipation, you may be contemplating how many pairs of workout clothes you need to pack. I often get asked by my private clients to create a workout routine for them to take on vacation or my on-demand subscribers being to download their favorite workouts in case of spotty wifi. I myself enjoy a vacation workout, in fact, my husband works out the most when on vacation. This is all fine and dandy, as long as these three things don’t come into play…

1.) It’s Not Punishment. If you find yourself working out while on vacation because you feel you were “bad” drinking that daiquiri by the pool or enjoyed yourself a little “too much” at last night’s buffet, I would advise you not to workout. Moving our bodies is a privilege, not something that we should punish ourselves with. If you are in a healthy and positive place with your body and exercising, then go for it! Enjoy that workout with a beautiful view! If you are still struggling with your “why” of working out, I suggest using your vacation to start getting your head in the right place and making peace with your body.

2.) It' Doesn’t Interrupt Your Vacation. If your vacation is anything like my ideal vacation, it’s all about a flexible, free schedule and being open to any adventure that awaits you, not missing out on family pool time, a fun excursion or happy hour by the pool because you need to get a workout in. If you find yourself opting to exercise instead of having fun or setting your alarm to the butt crack of dawn to get up and workout, I would say that’s not very healthy. When I am on a trip, I try and keep an open mind that if a workout happens to happen, great! If not, no big deal! This isn’t forever. On the other hand, like I mentioned earlier, my husband works out the most while we are on vacation. That’s not because it’s his main intention, but because he actually has more free time outside of his busy work schedule and enjoys making movement a priority. Neither mindset is “good” or “bad,” it’s which is healthy for each person.

3.) Your Body Isn’t In Need of Rest. This is probably the number one thing I ask my clients when they still want to workout while on vacation. Is your body in need of rest or a reset? Maybe the three day getaway is the perfect time to allow your body to relax and restore! Listen to your body and give it what it needs. If your body is still craving movement, maybe consider switching things up with a beach side yoga class or walking around the city sight-seeing!

This is by no means meant to discourage anyone from working out while on vacation. Instead, I want to pose these thoughts to you for you to be able to do a self-check of the intention behind you wanting to workout while on vacation. I am a huge proponent for moving your body everyday in a way that is healthy and positive for you. And remember, exercising can look very different while vacationing that still provides benefits for not only your body, but your mind too!

If working out on vacation is the right fit for you, then be sure to take Barre Where You Are’s on-demand workouts with you!


Heather McCreight