Why is Stretching is so Important?

Why is Stretching so Important?


Most of the time, we as adults, do what we are told by professionals because we know it is in our best interest. We are told by our dentists to brush our teeth at least twice a day, and we do it. Our primary care doctor tells us we should wash our hands frequently, and we do it. But we have also all been told by fitness professionals, physical therapists and our chiropractors how important it is that we stretch, but do we do it? While working in the fitness industry for more than five years, I have come to the conclusion that “stretching” has become an afterthought. But after recovering from quite a few injuries during my professional dance career, I know for a fact that stretching should always be on the forefront of our minds. So much so, that when I had the opportunity to create my own barre format, I designated 3 different times for my clients to stretch during any given class. In this month’s blog, I not only dive deeper into why stretching is so important, but also when and how you should incorporate it into your daily workouts.

1.) Pre-Workout. Do you remember to stretch before you start working out? If you are waiting around for your barre, spin, dance, etc class to start, that is a great moment to stretch and start warming your body up for what’s to come! We aren’t looking for super deep stretching here, but even just rolling your feet around, doing arm circles and spinal stretches can start to get the blood flowing to the muscles and promote circulation. Pre-workout stretching also prevents injuries and muscle damage.

2.) During Workout. So now class has started and you are warmed up. In my specific class format, here is when I provide the next opportunity to stretch. It is slightly more dynamic stretching since our muscles are warmer and more pliable. A mid-workout stretch helps improve posture, allowing us to pull up nice and tall and lengthen through the spine, thus increasing core engagement. This type of stretching also continues to increase our range of motion and improve flexibility.

3.) Post-Workout. I know for some of us, at the end of our workout the last thing we are thinking about is stretching those poor muscles that we just pushed to the point of exhaustion - but this is one of the most important times TO stretch! Post-workout stretching will help reduce muscle soreness and muscle strain. It can also heal and prevent lower back pain and future injuries. But besides the physical benefits of stretching after working out, the mental benefits are just as important! A nice, relaxing stretch at the end of class not only rewards your body for the hard-work it just did, but also your mind, allowing you to decompress before heading back out into your day!

When you know better, you do better! So now that you know why stretching is so important for your mind and body, promise me you’ll do it! Stretch before you workout, during your workout and definitely at the end. The research has been done and the benefits you reap are concrete. Be sure to get the most out of your workout and STRETCH! And you can learn more about the unique barre class format I created that has a specific stretch focus here.

Hope to see you at the barre soon!


Heather McCreight